A troubled relationship is a relationship that is gradually heading downhill and is usually a cause for concern or worry. A lot of people believe that lack of communication is the only reason for troubled relationships, but this is just the surface.
To find solutions to troubled relationships one must first identify the underlying causes. These are a few tips on how you can identify a troubled relationship:
1. Clarity
is germane in sustaining a successful and healthy relationship. Clarity is the
quality of being transparent and pure to yourself. Each individual must be
clear and honest with themselves; have an inner dialogue; ask if is this the
right relationship for them. does this person fit within my marriage model?
When matters of spirituality, finances, children, property, or even family have
been discussed the intent and perspective of each individual must be clearly
understood and owned as an honest pursuit. If the opposite of this is found in
a relationship it would gradually head downhill. If this is not the right
relationship for you why pursue it in the first place?
2. Lack of Expression
A good relationship starts with proper communication. Our expressions and
feelings must be properly communicated to our partners. A relationship whereby
one individual feels like they cannot properly express themselves would hinder
communication. This would eventually lead to pretense and misunderstandings. In
a healthy relationship, you should be able to express yourself and do what you
want without fear.
3. Unheard Voice
This is quite similar to the previous point. Here, lack of expression isn’t the
issue. In this case, you express yourself, but your partner doesn’t seem to
understand or implement what you have spoken. It may seem to you that your
words are falling on deaf ears. An unheard voice may lead to frustration,
discomfort, anxiety, and even mental health issues. It is an important sign of
a troubled relationship that should not be ignored.
4. Do you feel you have to compromise most times?
A compromise is a way of reaching an agreement in which one or both persons has
to give up something they wanted. No two people are the same therefore
compromise is inevitable in a healthy relationship. However, compromises that
involve you ignoring your values and lowering your standards are not healthy. A
good compromise favors both partners and both are happy with the agreement,
whereas a bad compromise fails to have this balance. Bad compromises can bring
anxiety and depression to one of the individuals. One who makes bad compromises
every time is in a troubled relationship.
5. Unmet emotional needs
Just like physical needs, everyone has emotional needs. The strength of the
bond of a relationship is highly dependent on whether emotional needs are being
met. Emotional needs are feelings we need as humans to feel happy, or at peace.
Affection, empathy, security, acceptance, honesty, attention, etc. are all
examples of emotional needs that need to be met. A vivid understanding of one’s
emotional needs is important as these needs are individualistic. If you
constantly feel like these needs are unmet, communicate them to your partner.
If your partner is unable to supply these needs then it may be better to opt
out for the sake of your mental health.
6. Walking on eggshells
Walking on eggshells means that you are being careful of what you say or do for
fear of upsetting someone. If you are walking on eggshells in a relationship
then you are treading lightly and letting your partner’s mood determine your
behavior. You are careful of what you do so as not to set them off. Being in
this kind of relationship most likely increases one’s anxiety and stress
Often, a person who is walking on eggshells in a relationship is described as
being emotionally abused. This is because the person is manipulated
intentionally or unintentionally. Such a person is unable to interact with
his/her partner as he/she ought to.
is an important sign of a troubled relationship.
7. Constantly unsure
Individuals in a healthy relationship may have a clear vision or glimpse of
where the relationship is heading. If you constantly doubt the future of the
relationship you might be in a troubled relationship. This means that you do
not foresee a future with your partner. You constantly worry about the
certainty of spending forever with your partner. It also comes with a feeling
of anxiety, nervousness, and fear. This uncertainty may result from doubting
the authenticity of your partner’s love, insecurity, lack of conviction, and
much more.
Written by Abigail Borquaye @ Healing wings support.
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